Nyonya Food
View video on SBS at http://www.sbs.com.au/food/foodart/171/Kueh
Bee Lee Tan
Malaysian born
Collating over 200 authentic recipes – many three or four generations old have produced highly interesting results for cooks worldwide, with mouth-watering curries and irresistible sweets.
Bee Lee can be contacted by e-mail: beelee@live.com.au
Looks fascinating :)
Bee Lee is a wonerful cook. We were treated two some of bee lee’s cooking (the Coconut sweets) on Friday night it was absolutely delicious and the textures of the coconut was just perfect. We liked how the sweetness wasn’t over powering. We loved it. Thanks Bee Lee.
great recipe...typical of the book as well... easy to understand and accomplish these
very passionate chef is beelee......
i reccomend the book as well ..this and other recipes
Wandering Gourmet said...
Looks fascinating :)
Thank You. Glad that you like it.
bee lee
abcMISSYabc said...
Bee Lee is a wonerful cook. We were treated two some of bee lee’s cooking (the Coconut sweets) on Friday night it was absolutely delicious and the textures of the coconut was just perfect. We liked how the sweetness wasn’t over powering. We loved it. Thanks Bee Lee.
Thanks.Pulut Inti is a easy and
satisfying kueh to do.
bee lee
This is my first recipe of any Asian cuisine I've tried. Lo and behold it worked! I have to thank Bee Lee for explaining in simple terms for a non cook like me delicacy of flavour can be so simply carried out! Thank you Bee Lee! peter
Peter, this is simple and easy receipes to follow, is for the beginner and a established cook as well.Keep on it you will improve
and wanted to cook more challenging
bee lee
Kudos to you Bee Lee. May I commend you for your contribution to Peranakans all over the world. Your book is wonderful. It has been written in such a unique style...weaving your life and experiences into your recipes. I look forward to more yummy recipes...
Thanks Jewfish
The receipes are simple and easy to follow. The older nyonyas never measure their ingredients, it was the "agak agak"which is the guessing method of a handful of this and a handful of that mixture.It was a labour of love to convert it to metric, it is worth it.
Thanks Andrew.Nyonya cuisine can be simple or it can be complicated,
there are a lots of healthy salad and steam fish receipes as well. I think their secrets is still knowing the art of combine certain
ingredients and make into a balance and delicious dish.The have perfect their dishes for over 10 centuries afterall it is pratising, isn't?
Bee Lee
Thanks Scentsations.
The next book coming out soon would have more pictures and how to made fresh silky kwey teow, fresh wanton noodles, layered curry puff and many receipes that you wonder how they do it so yummy!
Bee lee
Bee Lee has reignited my interest and inspiration to learn more of my families traditional Nyonya cuisine. My mum and I attended her cooking class and the she made everything look so effortless and the results were amazing! I especially love the kuey and now might even attempt to make my own! Thanks Bee Lee
Lisa,pulut inti is a easy kueh to start with, very popular dish for school children for breakfast. Nyonya cuisine is a lot simple to do in pratice than what you heard.
Afterall,I think we the only culture that has confinement food for nursing mothers.No wonder the older Nyonya have 10-12 children. They ate nutritous food during the
most important of their life and live to ripe old age. It has to do with home cooking,is'nt it? bee lee
Thanks for your email Bee Lee. It is so cool that you are a skilled cooking teacher and writer! I will definitely look up your book, sounds like really good stuff!
Thanks soul chocolate. It is more I do not know than I do know about NYONYA CUISINE. That is why I will be publishing my 2nd NYONYA cookbook in the new year.Many receipes has been lost over the years, my 2 lovely cousins are always hunting for receipes that we ate in our childhood. I wanted to reach out to passionate reader like you,it is always challenging in the marketing area but I will find the niche to food lovers.You can get the book from me.
email address beelee@live.com.au
Bee Lee you are an amazing cook and so passionate about your culture. Your book is a beautiful expression of your wonderful culture.
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